How To Improve Indoor Air Quality Naturally

Replace Air Filters

It is wise to replace air filters for the air conditioning unit and furnace. Dirty air filters could be the reason why you have poor indoor air quality. Therefore, replacing the filter helps remove air contaminants and prevents mold growth since less air gets through dirty air filters. It would also help to replace the air filters in your kitchen’s vents.

Keep Shoes Outside

Taking off your shoes before entering your house is an effective way of improving indoor air quality. Your shoe soles carry dirt containing harmful bacteria, pesticides, fungi, and pollen, among other air pollutants. Therefore, entering your home with your shoes introduces air pollutants and interferes with indoor air quality. Taking them off keeps your floors and carpets germ-free and clean, thus improving your indoor air quality.

Indoor Plants

One of the most simple and natural ways to improve your indoor air quality is to add some air-purifying plants to your house. Some plants can filter out the by-products of chemical-based cleaners and paints, also known as volatile organic compounds. The best indoor air purification plants include aloe vera, lady palm, rubber tree, spider plants, and butterfly palm. The best part about these plants is that they are low-maintenance and have other benefits besides improving indoor air quality.

Natural Air Conditioning

Another natural way of improving your indoor air quality is to open your windows and doors to increase ventilation. Opening windows allows contaminated air in your residence to go out and clean air to get inside. You can also try other ways of increasing ventilation in your house, such as ceiling fans, reducing the use of heat-producing appliances, installing heat-blocking window treatments, and growing plants for shade.

Add Humidity

The extreme dryness experienced during winter also contributes to poor indoor air quality. You can improve your home’s indoor air by using fan-powered humidifiers. They increase moisture in the air and cut down on static electricity by blowing moisture vapor directly into heating ducts. That enables you to breathe clean air by preventing dirty nasal passages and dry throats. When you add the right amount of moisture to your house, you control mold and mildew growth as well as dust mites.

Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is a great way of cleaning your indoor air. Active carbon, also known as activated charcoal, highly absorbs impurities, such as bacteria, unpleasant odors, and harmful pollutants in the air and purifies them for improved indoor air quality. It also absorbs moisture from the indoor air and dehumidifies it to prevent mold and mildew growth. Activated charcoal is odorless, so it does not cause any irritation or allergies.

Essential Oils

Eucalyptus and tea essential oils are perfect air purifiers because they kill the airborne flu virus. Other essential oils you can use to improve indoor air quality are lavender, red mandarin, peppermint, lime, and chamomile. It is advisable to consult with an expert before using essential oils in your home to avoid any allergic reactions.

Regular Home Cleaning

As obvious as it sounds, regularly cleaning your house significantly impacts indoor air quality. Ensure that you thoroughly vacuum your floors, carpets, edges, walls, and upholstery furniture often. Surfaces hold air pollutants like dust and pet dander that can contribute to poor indoor air quality. Also, wash and change your bedding often to keep allergens and dust mites at bay. Additionally, clean air filters on heaters, vacuum cleaners, the air conditioner and furnaces regularly to keep them effective.

Cut Down on Cooking Pollution

That pot roast in your kitchen could be the cause of poor indoor air quality. It fills your kitchen with high nitrogen dioxide levels, though you might not feel or see this gas. It is wise to adjust your gas stove, especially if you have an older model. You can also vent stoves with an exhaust fan or use an open window with a fan to expel cooking fumes outside. Improving the quality of your indoor air does not have to be costly. You can use these tips to make your indoor air healthier. Our experts can also help with identifying the causes of poor indoor air quality and purifying indoor air. Besides that, we have experts in gas furnaces, geothermal services, boilers, and custom fireplaces. Contact One Stop Heating and Air Conditioning in Sandy today to learn more natural ways of improving your indoor air quality.